Panel / Plaster Board Lifter
Plasterboard hoist that helps to lift and keep plasterboard in place to then fix the boards where needed. It can lift and tilt boards up to 3.4m and 68kg in weight. It features an automatic safety brake and can be folded away for easy transportation. It has castors on the base for easy movement and can be operated by one person.
Code: 230133
Manufacturer: Sumner
Manufacturer Product Code: 2300
Weight: 45kg
Working Height: 3.5m
Safe Working Load: 68kg
Performance: Tilts to 45 degrees
Safety key

Protective Gloves
A variety of gauntlets, PVC, cotton and rigger gloves recommended to provide essential hand protection

Safety Footwear
For essential toe protection, specific reinforced footwear designed to BSEN345 is recommended.
1 day
Extra day
4 week